Informations pour « Fichier:Ethiopian men gather in Addis Ababa, heavily armed with captured Italian weapons, to hear the proclamation announcing the return to the capital of the Emperor Haile Selassie in May 1941. K325.jpg »

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Titre affichéFichier:Ethiopian men gather in Addis Ababa, heavily armed with captured Italian weapons, to hear the proclamation announcing the return to the capital of the Emperor Haile Selassie in May 1941. K325.jpg
Clé de tri par défautEthiopian men gather in Addis Ababa, heavily armed with captured Italian weapons, to hear the proclamation announcing the return to the capital of the Emperor Haile Selassie in May 1941. K325.jpg
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Espace de nomsFichier
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Langue du contenu de la pagefr - français
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Nombre de contributeurs ayant la page dans leur liste de suiviMoins de 30 suiveurs
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Valeur de hachage656095f481b454ff96bdb6ae910a5562368c57cb
Image de la pageEthiopian men gather in Addis Ababa, heavily armed with captured Italian weapons, to hear the proclamation announcing the return to the capital of the Emperor Haile Selassie in May 1941. K325.jpg
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