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Accident de l'avion présidentiel polonais à Smolensk

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Le 10 Avril 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 of the 36th Special Aviation Regiment carrying the President of Poland Lech Kaczyński crashed in Smolensk-North airport near Pechersk near Smolensk, Russia, killing all aboard.


At 10:56 Moscow summer time, (06:56 UTC),[1] a Tupolev Tu-154,[2] carrying the Polish President Lech Kaczyński crashed near Smolensk, Russia. President Kaczyński was due to visit Smolensk to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre.[1] The aircraft was carrying 132 passengers and crew.[1] It is feared that all were killed in the accident.[2] [3] The crash occurred in foggy conditions (0.5km visibility without instrument landing system) about 1.5km from the airport.[4] The governor of Smolensk Oblast, Sergei Antufiev, confirmed for Russia 24 news channel that there were no survivors in the crash. The plane was reported to have caught up in the tops of trees, hit the ground and broken up into pieces. On board were also the Governor of National Bank of Poland, Sławomir Skrzypek, the Polish army chief of staff Franciszek Gągor and the Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Kremer[5].


The President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, announced that he has created a special commission for the investigation of the plane crash. The commission will be supervised by the Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin.[6]

Flight manifest

Tupolev Tu-154 at Zagreb Airport, during the visit of Lech Kaczyński to Croatia in 2007

According to the flight manifest[7] onboard were among others:


  1. a b et c « Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash' », BBC News Online (consulté le )
  2. a et b « Polish president feared dead in plane crash », (consulté le )
  3. Bloomberg Polish President, Bank Chief in Plane Crash, Reports
  4. (en) « Polish president feared dead in Russian plane crash », Reuters,‎ (lire en ligne)
  5. Polish president's plane crashes in Russia: ministry
  7. Prezydenckim Tu-154 leciały najważniejsze osoby w państwie (Polish)

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Modèle:Aviation accidents and incidents in 2010